Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Vipassana [mindfulness] meditation class @SABS Part 10

Lesson 10, Oct 4, 2013

The following were yogis' queries and experiences that Bro KC helped address :

1) Bright light appeared during sitting meditation [eyes were closed].

Note and label seeing, seeing, seeing without going into the content of the visual object. Then redirect your attention to the primary object of the rising and falling movements of the abdomen. The purpose of applying this mindfulness on the sensing technique similar to other sensing like hearing, hearing, hearing and thinking, thinking, thinking is to avoid likes and dislikes to arise in relation to the sense object sensed.
Likes tend to give rise to desire and dislikes tend to give rise to aversion. Both desire and aversion are hindrances in meditation.

2) Palpitation occurred during sitting meditation leading to the mental state of anxiety.

Relax. Just calmly observe the palpitation take its natural course. When the palpitation eventually fades away, redirect your attention to the primary object of abdominal movements.

3) Amidst observing the rising and falling movements of the abdomen, the abdominal movements seemed to have stopped.

Yogi concerned calmly observe the phenomenon of non-abdominal movements. Well done!

4) How can meditation help us overcome mental defilements like anger, frustration, worry, fear, anxiety, etc.when they arise?
The mental defilements mentioned are types of dukkha [mental suffering]. One can overcome suffering by practising Mindfulness on the 4 Noble Truths which is under Mindfulness on the Dhamma, the fourth foundation of mindfulness found in the Satipatthana Sutta. Please refer to the template on Mindfulness on  the  4 Noble Truths in the attachment [document] as a guide on how to overcome suffering and experience peace of mind.
We did 20 minutes of walking meditation followed by 20 minutes of sitting meditation.

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