Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The freedom of being a Buddhist nun

This is a wonderful short (7min) film about Ani Chudrun, now a Tibetan Buddhist nun, who was once a famous TV celebrity in Britain. In this gentle and honest portrait, Buddhist nun Ani Chudrun explains what led her away from a life of celebrity, drugs and materialism to one of reflection, compassion and ritual. Shot at Ani's house in Sussex, the film shows how one person can radically transform their life i the search of meaning.

Stilled Mind

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


“A woman came to me once and she said, ‘I can’t be a Buddhist.’ I said, ‘Why?’ And she said, ‘Because I’m too attached to my children. I’m attached to them; I couldn’t give them up.’ 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Goenka on Aging

"To a question about aging, Goenkaji answered that although old age is certainly a misery, old age by itself cannot make one unhappy. If people can couple the wealth of their life experience with wisdom, old age can be the golden years of their life—a period where they can look at things with serenity and deep understanding. Such a happy old age is also a great source of joy for others.