Saturday, November 8, 2014

International Bhikkhuni Day, 2014 (Part 3)

Honouring Eminent Asian Buddhist Women in the Modern Era
A. Great Meditation Masters

3. Thailand - Maechee Kaew (1901-1991)
a reputed female arahant in modern times. Maechee Kaew was very fortunate to have learnt meditation from great meditation masters like Ajahn Sao in 1914 and Ajahn Mun in 1917 when they came to stay near her village.

Extraordinary Meditation Skills
Ajahn Mun (also Ajahn Chah’s master) could see that she had unusual psychic abilities and great spiritual potential. She had divine eyes, had skills in predicting events, mind read, possessed some healing powers and unusual psychic powers of communication with the deities, nagas, petas, deceased persons and animals. She was often invited by them to visit the heavenly and hell realms.

Even as a beginner, her mind easily went into deep absorption for many hours.  Ajahn Mun requested her to be his disciple when she was aged 16. However, her father objected to it and later pressured her to marry. Ajahn Mun then cautioned her not to meditate on her own until the next master came.


Upon divorce, she became Ajahn Maha Boowa’s disciple and subsequently achieved the highest spiritual attainment of liberation. She was requested by Ajahn Maha Boowa to teach his mother in his hometown which she did for 14 years out of gratitude for her master, before she returned to her monastery.

In 1977, she was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes and cancer but survived till 1991. At her death, her bones turned into relics of different colours and in the shape of pearls and crystals. Ajahn Maha Boowa, at her eulogy declared that there was no need for any funeral chanting because as an arahant, there was nothing more they could add for her. He also said “whether we are man or woman, we are equally capable of attaining enlightenment, no matter what lineage or tradition we practised, so do it well.” He had a stupa erected in her memory.   

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