Thursday, November 6, 2014

International Bhikkhuni Day, 2014 (Part 2)

Honouring Eminent Asian Buddhist Women in the Modern Era
A. Great Meditation Masters

2. Indonesia – Ayya Santini

Ayya experienced many struggles and challenges to become a bhikkhuni. She is now known for her great skills in teaching meditation especially to children until they could not get enough of it and continued to come back for more! The children’s ages are also getting younger - 5 year olds although her original limit was 12 years of age! As punishment for some wrong doings, the kids asked to be given more meditation time!

A number of monastics, including bhikkhus and devotees, visit her monastery, Wisma Kusalayani, on the cool hills near Bandung, to learn her technique of engaging the children. The only answer Ayya could give was that she gave them metta, and she has loads of it to give away. Ayya conducts retreats for adults as well and is known for her very strict rules like locking the yogis’ rooms during the day so that they do not return to rest.

Personally, she can sit very still for hours without a cushion and encourages participants to do the same. She participates in the ordination of bhikkhunis and samaneris, both in Indonesia and abroad.

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