Thursday, April 13, 2017

A Journey of Self-Discovery 发现自我之旅 -02 Sayadaw U Revata 【乌·雷瓦德尊者】

I will discuss how to begin a journey of self- discovery based on the teaching of the Buddha. To be able to start a journey of self-discovery, you all need to do one thing: You need to train to be skillful in reading the habits of your own minds. Now to- day, based on that, I will explain how to begin a journey of self-discovery. 

As you all know, ever since we were born we have been doing three actions every day. Do you know what they are? What are the three actions that we have been doing not only in this very life but also throughout the round of rebirths? They are good and bad bodily, verbal, and mental actions. Nothing other than these. Sometimes I ask my listeners, ‘How many actions are we doing each day?’ They answer, ‘They are uncountable, Bhante.’ Yes, that is true, but we must know more accurately that we can group all these uncountable actions into just three kinds. They are just bodily actions, verbal actions, and mental actions, either good or bad, wholesome or unwholesome. Just these.

Bodily and verbal actions follow mental actions. So we can say that mental action is the leading one. Because of this reason, the Buddha said, ‘Mind leads the world’ – in Pāḷi, ‘Cittena nīyati loko.’ When you hear ‘world’, what do you think of? The world we are living in? What is your opinion? What world does the Buddha mean?
身业和语业跟随着意业而来。意念先生起,然后我们再行动,再说话。可以说,意业是首领。因此,佛陀说:心领导世间。我们的心领导世间。巴利语是:Ctena niyati loko.我们的世界被心所领导。当你听到世间有什么想法?心引导世间,是不是指我们正住在的这个世界?佛陀指的世间是什么?

I believe all of you will call to mind the world you live in. The Buddha didn’t mean this. The Buddha said that this fathom-long body is the world. The trained mind leads the world in one direction, and the untrained mind will lead your world in another direction. As the Buddha said, ‘Mind leads the world.’ You all should train your minds to be able to lead your own world in the good direction.

Why do people do as they do in the present? Why did people do as they did in the past? Why will people do wrong bodily and verbal actions in the future? What is the reason? What is the cause? The cause is the mental action which is led by defilement. So the cause of wrong action and wrong speech is mental action led by defilement.
The Buddha said, ‘If you are not skillful in the habits of others’ minds, it doesn't matter, but you should be skillful in the habits of your own mind.’

Is it possible to know another’s mind? Is it possible or impossible to know the minds of others? It is possible for those who train the mind to know others’ minds. There is a way to train in the teaching of the Buddha to know others’ minds. While it is possible to know the minds of others, is it easy? No, it is not. It is possible but not easy. This being so, do you know your mind? Is it possible for you to know your own mind? Possible. Is it easy? It is possible, but it is also not easy for those who are not mindful and those who are unwilling. Are you skillful in the habits of your mind? Are you someone who is skillful or not? You are not skillful in reading the habits of your mind.

The wrong actions that you have done, and do, and are going to do – do they occur because you are skillful in the habits of your mind, or because you are not skillful? Because you have no skill in reading the habits of your mind, you have done and do and are again going to do wrong bodily and verbal actions. The root cause of all these wrong actions is wrong mental action which is led by the defilements.
A Journey of Self-Discovery(p59-61)
Bhikkhu Revata
悲住 尼师 翻译

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