Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Sharing of Merits and Its Benefits 功德迴向與它的利益

Question: In my mind there is still this doubt. At the end of each Dhamma talk, we always share merits. The last two lines we recite are: ‘Mama puññabhāgaṃ sabbasattānaṃ bhājemi. Te sabbe me samaṃ puññabhāgaṃ labhantu.’ The meaning is very simple, that is, we say that we share our merits equally with all beings. So my question is: Do the words ‘all beings’ here mean that we are sharing our merits with non-living beings too? Does our sharing of merits extend to those who are suffering in the woeful realms? Does it include our families? Are all of these also able to receive our sharing of merits?

答:佛陀教導他的弟子們,把功德迴向已經逝世的眾生。還有,十善行業(kusala sucarita kamma)中其中一種善業是迴向功德,另一種善業是隨喜別人的功德迴向,這是構成十善行業的其中兩種善業。這就是對於那些瞭解要善待自己與善待他人的人,所應作的。
Answer: The Buddha taught His disciples to share merits with the departed. Also, one of the ten kusala sucarita kamma (wholesome kamma of good conduct) is sharing merits, and another is rejoicing in the sharing of merits done by others. These are two of the wholesome actions that constitute the ten wholesome sucarita kamma. This is what should be done by those who understand how to act for the good of themselves and the good of others. After we have done wholesome deeds, we should share our accumulated merits. With this intention, then, we share our accumulated merits with our departed ones. Sometimes we have no particular intention towards any departed ones, and we just simply share merits with those who hear our sharing of merits. If we rejoice when others share their merits, we accumulate wholesome kamma. What type of wholesome kamma do we accumulate? If you rejoice when others share their merits, wholesome states arise in your mind. This is the essence of sharing merits. In this way, even though we say ‘all beings’ in the recitation, it specifically refers to those who can hear, those who know how to rejoice, and those who have been born in one of the hungry ghost realms. The name of this type of ghost is ‘paradattūpajīvi peta’ - those who can upgrade their lives rejoicing in the merits done by their family members. For that reason, we share our merits. 

Sharing merits is like lighting candles. You have a lighted candle in your hand, and there are many around you holding a candle in each of their hands. You then light their candles. The collective light becomes bigger, brighter, and stronger. This is how the sharing of one’s accumulated wholesome kamma leads to even greater merits for oneself. 

It is similar for those who know how to rejoice in the sharing of merits done by others: Not only are they able to accumulate good kamma themselves, but they also have an opportunity to accumulate wholesome kamma if they know how to rejoice in the merits of others. Even though they cannot make merit themselves, their rejoicing accumulates wholesome kamma and creates wholesome states of mind for them. If these wholesome states of mind appear at the near-death moment, they will be reborn in a good realm. 
This is directed at those who understand how to rejoice in the sharing of merits done by others, and those who understand how important it is to share merits both for those who have passed away and for those who know how to rejoice. Therefore, this is something we all need to do, in order to benefit ourselves and others.

Aspirations and Sharing of Merits 發願及功德迴向
We have accumulated a lot of wholesome kamma – through dāna, sīla, and bhāvanā. There is no result which compares with the realisation of Nibbāna. Therefore, all the good actions you have accumulated in this retreat should be for the realisation of Nibbāna. Other attainments and other achievements are not as important. You may not be able to make an end of suffering as you are making your way in search of the Dhamma, because your accumulated pāramī is not yet sufficient; but you will be reborn in a good realm if you make an aspiration to attain Nibbāna. Then you will have the intention to make an end of suffering in every existence, so that you will heedfully make an effort one life after another. Therefore, making an aspiration to make an end of suffering is the supreme aspiration of our lives. So now we will make aspirations and share merits:
Idaṃ me puññaṁ āsavakkhayāvahaṁ hotu.
Idaṁ me puññaṁ nibbānassa paccayo hotu.
Mama puññabhāgaṁ sabbasattānaṃ bhājemi,
Te sabbe me samaṁ puññabhāgaṁ labhantu.
Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!

May this merit of mine lead to the destruction of the taints.
May this merit of mine be a condition for the realisation of Nibbāna.
I share these merits of mine with all sentient beings.
May all sentient beings receive an equal share of my merits.
Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!
Selected Questions and Answers
Ven. Revata尊者 雷瓦達

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