Saturday, February 4, 2017


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Be in a position not to follow the strongly embedded habits of mind -- where we see the delusional mind as that, and not need to follow it.
It's not going to go away, as long as we are alive and until we're an Arahant, each one of us is going to have delusional mind going on.
But, we also have the ability to know the delusional mind as delusional mind; to know habit as habit; to know thinking as thinking; to know view as view.
That's a hard one because how we view the world is very much what the world is, in terms of our experience.
And sometimes when we drop deeper into meditation, we can see how when the mind gets very concentrated, the world disappears...there's not the whole world; it's not there anymore. Who I am is not there anymore.
All of it can just go.
And yet there is still awareness; there's still a knowing.
And even if we haven't experienced something as dramatic as that in our meditation, we can, if we cultivate mindfulness --watching ourselves, watching our mind as it changes, watching our views as they change, how things seem today, how they seem tomorrow, not just going on automatic pilot, but really having this sense of witnessing myself as I live my life, in a contained and sustained way, continuous -- then we can start to see how it really does change a lot, in subtle ways, my view is different than it was.
Of course all of us know intellectually that this is what happens.
But to start to observe this, through just observation, through awareness, has the power to teach us. We learn the relativity, and in a sense, to a degree, the unreality of what we take to be real.
~ excerpt from a talk "Observe and then let go" by Ajahn Jayanto, 2014

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