Monday, November 28, 2016

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Ratana Sutta 寶 經
Verse Two 偈二
Tasmā hi bhūtā nisāmetha sabbe,
Mettaṁ karotha mānusiyā pajāya; 
Divā ca ratto ca haranti ye baliṁ,
Tasmā hi ne rakkhatha appamattā.
Accoringly to give heed, all being; show your loving kindness to humans who day and night bring offerings to you. Thereforeguard them diligently.
Pali-English Nissaya Translation 巴漢逐字翻譯
tasmā hi = Therefore 因此
bhūtā = O, deities 諸神
sabbe = all of you 你們全部
nisāmetha = listen 諦聽
karotha = Do (i.e. show) 做(意即:顯示)
mettaṁ = loving kindness 慈愛
mānusiyā pajāya = to human beings 對眾人類
diva ca = In the daytime 在白天
ratto ca = and in the night 在夜晚
ye haranti = they(those human beings) bring 他們(那些人類)帶來
baliṁ = offerings for the deities 給予諸神的供養(devatābali)
tasmā hi = Therefore (O, deities) 因此(諸神啊!)
rakkhatha = protect 保護
ne = them (those human beings) 他們(那些人類)
appamattā = diligently 精勤地
Explanations 解釋
Tasmā hi bhūtā nisāmetha sabbe, mettaṁ karotha mānusiyā pajāya.──’Accordingly do give heed all you beings; show your love to human’. This is the advice given by the Buddha to all those other living beings such as devas and spirits. After radiating loving kindness he gave this advice. So what is this advice? ‘Show your loving -kindness to humans.’ The advice then is to bestow their kindness towards human beings, not to disturb them.
「因此一切眾生請諦聽,應向眾人類散播慈愛。」 這是佛陀慈愛給予諸神鬼等其他眾生的勸導。在散播愛後, 他給予這項勸導。這項勸導是什麼?「應向眾人類散播慈愛。」這是勸導他們向眾人類散播慈愛,而不是去干擾他們。
Divā ca ratto ca haranti ye baliṁ.──’Human who day and night bring offerings to you’. This tradition exists among followers of various religions. They make offerings in the name of devas. This is not a Buddhist tradition. But this tradition has already prevailed in that country during that time. The Buddha did not advise his followers to give up or abandon all those practices.
People maintained this faith for thousands of years, paying respect to devas and deities but the Buddha never said, “Abandon it because I am the only One. Pray to me.’ You must understand that the Buddha is the Enlightened One, a religious teacher; he has no jealousy towards another person. In China they have their own devas or deities; it is the same in India and in some other countries. People gain some sort of satisfaction when they pay respect to devas. As is mentioned in the Text: When people are in trouble usually they go to various shrines, temples and other various places asking for protection. It is natural.
人們遵守這個禮敬神明的信仰已經幾千年,但佛陀並不曾這麼說:「捨棄它,因為我是唯一的。向我祈求吧!」 我們應該明白佛陀是覺者,是精神導師,他不會嫉妒別人。 在中國有中國自己的神,在印度及某些其他國家也一樣。 人們透過拜神而得到某種滿足感。正如經典中提到的:當人們遭遇困難時,他們就去寺廟和其他各種禮拜的地方, 以祈求保護。這是自然的。
But this point is very important: do not think that you will be able to get rid of all your suffering simply by seeking protection from devas or deities or shrines. You have to realise things yourself, to understand things properly, develop and improve your understanding gradually. Then one day you will be able to get rid of problems. It is not simply by taking refuge or by praying to any god or deva.
Buddhists cannot say that it is wrong to pay respect to devas. You cannot deny that devas exist. But they cannot give us enlightenment or wisdom. They cannot take us to heavenly realms. From the buddhist point of view god cannot take us to heaven; we have to work towards it ourselves. We do not depend on gods; we do not depend on Buddha to go to heavenly realms. There are certain things that you have to understand, certain things to cultivate and practise. That is the way to heaven, but not the final salvation. When you develop further and further that is the way to liberation. That is called Nibbana.
佛教徒不能說禮敬神明是錯的。但他們並不能夠把開悟或智慧給我們,也不能賜予我們投生天界。根據佛陀的教法,神並不能賜予我們投生天界,我們必須自己努力行善以便投生天界。我們不是依靠神而投生天界,是依靠佛陀而投生天界。我們需要了知某些法,培育與修行某些法。 這是導向天界之道,但這並非最終的解脫。當你修行更高的層次,直到知見一切身心的痛苦滅盡,那才是導向解脫之道。這稱為涅槃。
Even after gaining heavenly bliss we will experience problems. We are still not free from problems because the mind is not completely pure, still harbouring craving and anger. When we radiate loving kindness towards those heavenly beings, we may get some sort of protection from them. However this is neither the final salvation nor the attainment of wisdom.
Tasmā hi ne rakkhatha appamattā.──’Therefore guard them diligently’. So they keep an eye on you. You get the chance to avoid certain misfortunes, accidents and certain sicknesses through the protection of these beings. But that is not the final solution. There is no guarantee that you will be completely free from problems. So it is not the final solution.
Another explanation 另一種解釋
After exhorting the devas to give attention to his words, the Buddha began by advising them: ‘to show lovingkindness to human beings who day and night bring offerings to you.’ the commentary gave the meaning of ‘offerings to devas’ as follows.
Those humans make daytime offerings by giving meals and then dedicated the merits to devas. Furthermore they make night-time offerings by dedicating to devas the merits of having an all night listening to the Dhamma (all night chanting).
Dedicating one’s merit to others is also a form of showing one’s lovingkindness. It is natural that when one receives the kind deeds of others, one would want to reciprocate the kind deeds of others. Furthermore, among the eleven benefits of practicing lovingkindness, one of them is that, one who practises lovingkindness is protected by devas.
In another Sutta - to point out the effect of dedication of merits to devas - the Buddha preached the following verses to Sunidha and Vassakara after a meal which they had offered to him and the Sangha. At that time Buddha was staying in Pātaligāma:
“Wherever he may dwell, the wise man,
Provides food to the virtuous who lead a holy life;
And having to these worthy ones made gifts,
He dedicates his merits to the devas there.
Revered, they will revere him; honoured, they will honour him,
And are gracious to him, even as a mother is towards her own son;
He who thus enjoys the devas’ grace, good fortune he sees”
另一部經裡記載,在兩位大臣蘇尼塔(Sunidha)和瓦薩卡拉(Vassakāra)供養食物給佛陀與僧團後,佛陀向他們開示以下的偈子,以指出把功德獻給諸神的效果。當時 佛陀住在巴達里村(Pātaligāma):
Dedication of merits to devas, Nandamata Sutta
The more common Pali verses used for dedication of merits to deities are either:
Ettāvatā ca amhehi
Sambhataṁ puñña-sampadaṁ,
Sabbe devā’numodantu
Sabba-sampatti siddhiyā.
May all deities rejoice in this merit which we have thus acquired. May it bring about all achievements.
Ākāsatthā ca bhummatthā
Devā nāgā mahiddhikā,
Puññan·taṁ anumoditvā
Ciraṁ rakkhantu loka-sāsanaṁ.
Apart from these two, it is also mentioned in the Nandamata Sutta how a female laity dedicated her merits to King Vessavana, one of the Catumaharajika deva Kings:
除了這兩個偈子外,在《難陀母經》(Nandamātā Sutta) 裡也提到有位女居士如何把功德獻給四大天王之一的維薩瓦納王(King Vessavana):
At one time Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Mahamoggallana were in the southern hilly region with a large community of bhikkhus. At that time the female lay disciple Velukantaki Nandamata having got up in the last watch of the night was reciting aloud the Parayana Vagga.
一時,舍利弗尊者、目犍尊者和一大群比丘在南方山區行腳。當時女居士維魯莰達奇.難陀母(Velukandakī Nandamātā)於後夜醒過來後,正在唸誦「彼岸品」(Pārāyana Vagga)。
At that time Vessavana the great king of gods who was going from the north to the southern quarter for some matter heard her reciting the Parayana Vagga loudly and waited till she had finished.
當時維薩瓦納大王正從北方去南方辦事,聽到她朗誦 「彼岸品」,就等她唸誦完畢。
Nandamata finished reciting the Parayana Vagga and became silent. Knowing that she had finished reciting, the great king Vessavana was greatly rejoiced, saying “Good, sister!” Then she ashed. “Who is this auspicious one?”
難陀母唸誦「彼岸品」完畢後就靜下來。知道她唸完了,維薩瓦納大王很歡喜地隨喜,說道:「善哉,大妹!」 她問道:「這位大德是誰?」
“Sister, I am Vessavana the great king.”
“Good, auspicious one, let this Dhamma recitation by me be a gift of greeting(a gift to the quest)”
“Good Sister, verily let that be a gift of greeting. Tomorrow the community of bhikkhus headed by Sariputta and Moggallana will come to Velukandaka, without taking the morning meal yet. Having offred food to them, may you dedicate(the merits) to me. May that also be a gift of greeting.”
Nandamata at the end of that night prepared nourishing eatables and drinks in her home.
Then the community of bhikkhus headed by Sariputta and Moggallana without having the morning meal entered Velukandaka. Nandamata then addressed a certain man and said: “Man, go to the monastery and inform the community of bhikkhus that the meal is ready at the female lay disciple Nandamata’s home.”
The man said “Yes, lady” and going to the monastery informed the community of bhikkhus: “Venerable sirs, the meal is ready at the female lay disciple Nandamata’s home.” The community of bhikkhus headed by Sariputta and Moggallana putting on robes in the morning and taking bowl and robes approached the house of Nandamata and sat on the prepared seats.
Then Nandamata with her own hands offered nourishing eatables and drinks to the community of bhikkhus headed by Sariputta and Moggallana.
Then knowing Venerable Sariputta had finished taking the meal and had put aside the bowl, the female lay disciple Nandamata sat on a side and Venerable Sariputta said: “Nandamata, who informed you about the arrival of the Community of bhikkhus?”
Nandamata answered by narrating to Venerable Sariputta what had taken place and said, “Venerable sir, may the merits in this giving be to the happiness of Vessavana the great king.”
“It is wonderful and marvellous Nandamata, that you have spoken face to face with such a powerful majestic son of gods!”….
This sutta is from the Anguttara Nikaya.
She dedicated her merits to the Catumaharajika deva King Vessavana by saying “May the merits in this giving be to the happiness of Vessavana the great king”. In Pali it is either “Idaṁ dāne, puññañca puññamahī ca taṁ vessavanassa mahārājassa sukhāya hotu.” (Burmese, 6th council) or
“Idaṁ dāne, puññaṁ hitaṁ vessavanassa mahārājassa sukhāya hotu.”(PTS/Sinhala).
這部經記載於《增支部.七集》。 她透過說「願此布施的功德帶給維薩瓦納大王快樂」 而把自己的功德獻給四大天王之一的維薩瓦納大王。其巴利原文是 : ‘Idaṁ dāne, puññañca puññamahī ca taṁ vessavanassa mahārājassa sukhāya hotu.’ (緬甸版.第六次結集)
或 ‘Idaṁ dāne, puññaṁ hitaṁ vessavanassa mahārājassa sukhāya hotu.’ (PTS/錫蘭版)。
Not directly related to the above, there was a question on dedication of merits to the departed ones. The questionis if petas were reborn in the Peta realms because of some unwholesome kamma, how can they get a good rebirth from merits dedicated to them? The working of Kamma is a very intricate linkage of causes and effects. However one of the explanations concerning this point is that the new (fresh) kamma supports the ripening of a past(old) kamma. That means the present kamma of rejoicing in others’ merit (anumodana kamma) supports the ripening of a distant past kamma which produces rebirth in a good realm.
Excellent Attributes殊勝功德
Teachings on Ratana Sutta《寶經》的教法
Venerable Dhammasubho淨法尊者
Credit go to Bhante Santagavesaka

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