Friday, September 9, 2016

Life is too Precious to Rush

Sometimes the greatest blessing we can give ourselves is to just have time to go slow - to clear your head, to savour the quality and beauty of life, to contemplate, to do things mindfully and peacefully, to breathe, to have a cup of tea and see the universe in that. To call a friend and talk as long as you need, to hug the ones you love and be available to those who suffer. These things don't cost a lot, but they are the contents of a truly human life, they are worth more than money. These are things we neglect in the modern, fast paced, distracted and multi tasking world. If we try to fit in too much and don't know how to simplify, sometimes we actually have less quality. Then our lives are not happy, because we don't have time to deeply be present and see our connectedness with life and all beings - because we have not touched the spring of stillness within us. If we have no peace and self knowledge we can't live with wisdom. Simplify, monkify. Be well and make time for what is truly meaningful dear friends, because life is too precious to be rushed. Breathe, awaken, enliven and compashify.

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