Thursday, July 21, 2016

According to the Buddha, religion should be left to one’s own free choice.......

Jo Wee's photo.

"It seems that certain religionists try to keep their followers in the dark; some of them are not even allowed to touch other religious objects or books. They are instructed not to listen to the preachings of other religions. They are enjoined not to doubt the teachings of their own religion, however unconvincing their teachings may appear to be. They believe that the more they keep their followers on a one-track mind, the more easily they can keep them under control. If anyone of them exercises freedom of thought and realises that he or she had been in the dark all the time, then it is alleged that the devil has possessed their mind. People are given no opportunity to use their common sense and education. Those who wish to change their views on religion are taught to believe that they are not worthy to be allowed to use free will in judging anything for themselves.

According to the Buddha, religion should be left to one’s own free choice.......

In actual fact, there is no real religious freedom in any part of the world today. People have no freedom even to think freely. Whenever they realise that they cannot find satisfaction through their own religion to which they belong, which cannot provide them with satisfactory answers to certain questions, they have no liberty to give it up and to accept another which appeals to them. The reason is that religious authorities, leaders, and family members have taken that freedom away from them. People should be allowed to choose their religion which is in accordance with their own conviction. One has no right to force another to accept a particular religion. This is particularly obvious when people from two different religions fall in love. Some people surrender their religion to get married, without a proper understanding of their partner’s religion. Religion should not be changed to suit a person’s emotions and human weaknesses. One must think very carefully before changing one’s religion. Religion is not a subject for bargaining; one should not change one’s religion for emotional, personal, material gains. Religion is to be used for spiritual development and for self-salvation."
~ Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda, Religion of Freedom, in What Buddhist Believe, 

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