Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The purpose of focusing

Question: …when I sit, I watch my breathing. After a while, the mind does not want to focus on the breathing anymore, and at that time, I allow awareness to flow. When it opens up, it becomes very peaceful. Sometimes, I try to maintain it, but when I start to see more thoughts arising or start to get drowsy, I go back to the breathing. So, is this okay?
Tan Ajahn: That is the correct way. As long as your mind does not think, you do not need to focus. But when your mind starts thinking, you have to refocus again.

The purpose of focusing is to prevent your mind from thinking. When your mind does not think, your mind becomes empty and peaceful, and you do not need to focus. Actually, if your mind becomes really peaceful then this focusing will disappear automatically. It is like eating: When you are full, you stop eating automatically.

You do not have to force yourself to eat. You might not get to that point yet, to the point when the focusing and your thoughts disappear completely and your mind becomes still, peaceful, and at ease.

Question: So I don’t have to do anything special?
Tan Ajahn: Yes, as long as the mind does not go and think of other things. If the mind remains peaceful, calm, and not thinking about anything, then you do not have to.

Question: Sometimes there are thoughts arising, but the mind is aware.
Tan Ajahn: Yes, do not go after the thoughts. If the thoughts start coming in, you should focus on your breathing. That means your mind has not yet become perfectly still. When the mind becomes perfectly still, all thoughts will disappear. There will be just knowing.

By Ajaan Suchart Abhijāto

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