Saturday, February 28, 2015

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva

Samanta meaning "universally extending" and Bhadra meaning "great virtue" the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra extends his virtue and compassion to all sentient beings. Samantabhadra is known as the Bodhisattva of "Universal Worthy" as his virtue is that of a sage's. As a cosmic entity, Samatabhadra is the embodyment of all Bodhisattva practices and merits indispensable in the attainment of Buddhahood.

In the Āvataṃsaka-sūtra, the Buddha states that Samantabhadra Bodhisattva made ten great vows in his path to full Buddhahood:
1.To pay homage and respect to all Buddhas.
2.To praise the Thus Come One-Tathagata.
3.To make abundant offerings. (i.e. give generously)
4.To repent misdeeds and evil karmas.
5.To rejoice in others' merits and virtues.
6.To request the Buddhas to continue teaching.
7.To request the Buddhas to remain in the world.
8.To follow the teachings of the Buddhas at all times.
9.To accommodate and benefit all living beings.
10.To transfer all merits and virtues to benefit all beings.

一 者禮敬諸佛;
二 者稱贊如來;
三 者廣修供養;
四 者忏悔業障;
五 者隨喜功德;
六 者請轉法輪;
七 者請佛住世;
八 者常隨佛學;
九 者恆順眾生;
十 者普皆回向。

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