Monday, February 9, 2015

Characteristic Of Right Speech

Speech is an action that living beings perform as they must communicate with each other. Communication is very important as they live in social groups. Without it, or with bad or wrong communication, society can be messed up. Speech can be a dangerous weapon as it can harm people far and near. As it is so important, how can we perform right speech, then? The Buddha advised his disciples about right speech, saying, in Pancaka Nipata Anguttara Nikaya, “Behold monks, right speech always consists of 5 characteristics as follows;
1. Speech is spoken at the right time;
2. Speech is true;
3. Speech is sweet;
4. Speech is useful and helpful;
5. Speech is kind and compassionate”.
We should be mindful of these five characteristics when we are going to speak to someone, even to ourselves. It is regarded as right speech and gives rise to happiness, harmony and wisdom, as the Buddha had mentioned above. If we cannot perform right speech, we had better not speak, as it is said, “Silence is golden”.
Now, it is good to speak about wrong speech, and know what wrong speech is, as it may help us avoid speaking it. About wrong speech, the Buddha said, “Behold monks, wrong speech has four characteristics as follows; 1) False speech, 2) Tale-bearing speech, 3) Harsh speech, 4) Vain talk or gossip. Wrong speech gives rise to conflict, division, confusion and suffering. Knowing this, monks, you should all avoid speaking wrong speech, because it will bring you suffering”.
It is certainly true that right speech brings happiness, harmony and wisdom to life. On the contrary, wrong speech brings conflict, division, confusion and suffering to life. “Avoid wrong speech and speak right speech” is the advice of the Buddha. Two choices are given to us; right and wrong. We must make the choice of which to use, for ourselves. That is our own decision.
~ Buddhapadipa Temple

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