Friday, November 29, 2013

Announcement - 29/11/13

Dear Dharma friends

This is my inaugural posting for our blogspot and I am a bit jittery weaving around. So bear with me till I get the hang of it.

One of the main reason, besides the point that a lot of our emails announcing SABS activities goes into spam as we mail out 600+ addresses, is there are lots of gems of Dharma materials which I want to share with you. Doing that with the email is a tedious task as the browser will try to filter to prevent spam.

As we build our Sangha (general community) in this area of Shah Alam comprising of Bukit Rimau/Kota Kemuning/ Kemuning Utama/Kemuning Greenville and Taman Sri Muda we sometimes get detach from our other brothers and sisters Dharma activities. I, too hope to bridge that gap and along the process introduce wonderful practices within and without our shores. 

Last but not least, it will be a platform for all of us to post our comments. We hope this will encourage lots of communication between us. We accept constructive criticisms but like any blogspot certain protocols haveto be adhered to.

Bro MY Tan is the who creates the blogspot and did the initial posting ie the notes from our Guided Meditation class. Sadhu to him. For a start, please look at the message below for 2 activities that will start soon. You should see improvement as time goes by.  Wish me speedy progress.

Metta Mudita, Kevin


Dear Dharma friends,
Namo Buddhaya.
The Sunday of Nov 10 was our last Dharma talk for the year. Normally from now until the new year, English Dharmadutta activities will go into hibernation. 

I thought I will do something different for a change. We won't organise any talks but instead we will send some Dharma materials/information etc to keep you company during this period.
We will soon be starting a blog where you will receive some of these wonderful gems. There are so many things to share.

In the blog, you will receive the following amongst others:
1. Every Monday and Thursday, (starting soon), I will post the summary of notes of the "Introduction to Vajrayana" series of talk conducted in May, 2012. Sis Margaret showed me the meticulously done notes which I thought is a waste not to disseminate. 

2. Every new and full moon of the month, (starting soon) I will share the Dhammapada verse/reflections by Ajahn Munindo, a forest monk from Ajahn Chah tradition. Each time a verse from the Dhammapada will be offered supported by a short reflection on the verse. I find the reflections very soothing with much realized teachings.
Metta Mudita, Kevin

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