Sunday, November 30, 2014

International Bhikkhuni Day, 2014 (Part 8)

Honouring Eminent Asian BuddhistWomen in the Modern Era 
B. Pioneers in Dhamma Propagation - Scholars and Teachers

5. Bangladesh - Dipa Ma (Mother of Light) (1911-1989), is a lay Theravada Buddhist from Chittagong who studied meditation in Myanmar under the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition. She practiced meditation diligently and reached very high spiritual attainment.
Her Teachings
Her teaching was “to be aware and to be present and to bring in mindfulness to daily activities. You cannot separate meditation from life.”

She had hundreds of students including monks who sought her advice on her meditation technique. Among them was Ven Dr Rastrapala, a bhikkhu who was ordained for eighteen years at the time when he met her. In 1970, he established the well-known International Meditation Centre in Bodhgaya.

Her concentration was so deep that, once at a retreat, the need for sleep and food vanished. At one point, a dog sank its teeth into her leg for a few hours without her realising it and it had to be pulled away by the bhikkhus who then brought her to the hospital.

Dipa Ma developed psychic abilities from an Indian master, Munindra, in the form of mind-reading, visitations to heavenly and hell realms, dematerialization, time travel and knowledge of past lives.

Spreading the Dhamma

She spread the Dhamma, first in Myanmar, Bangladesh, then in India and USA influencing the Vipassana movement there. She was invited to teach meditation in USA by her students who are now renowned Buddhists meditation teachers like Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg and Jack Cornfield. 

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